iSwitzerland Guides |  |
All about Switzerland, and some neighbouring regions
The collection of iPhone and iPad guides focused on Switzerland. 100% free, no hidden costs, no in-app purchases, no invasive advertising. The whole Switzerland in your pocket! |
iMontreux |  |
Latest version: 2017-01-10 |
Montreux, Vevey, La Tour-de-Peilz, and the Swiss Riviera in your pocket! A discovery guide featuring all POIs and maps you can use without connection.
Montreux, Vevey, La Tour-de-Peilz et toute la Riviera dans votre poche! Un guide de découverte avec cartes utilisables hors connexion. |
iLeman |  |
Latest version: 2016-01-10 |
A Lake Geneva (Lake Léman) pictorial and interactive guide, in Switzerland and in France (with embedded maps).
Un guide visuel et interactif de la région du lac Léman (lac de Genève), côté suisse et côté français (avec cartes intégrées). |
iWestAlps |  |
Latest version: 2015-12-01 |
A discovery of the Western Prealps and Alps, in France, Switzerland, and Italy (with embedded maps).
A la découverte des Préalpes et des Alpes de l'Ouest, en France, en Suisse et en Italie (avec cartes intégrées). |
iAlps4000 |  |
Latest version: 2015-11-30 |
A journey around the highest Alpine summits, peaking over 13,000 feet above the sea (with embedded maps).
Un voyage autour des plus hauts sommets des Alpes, culminant à plus de 4000 m d'altitude (avec cartes intégrées). |
Made in Switzerland for You! |
These apps are designed for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Get all our free apps, they are full of useful tips, smart ideas and spectacular snapshots! And please recommend them to your relatives, friends, colleagues, and customers! |
© 1988-2022 - All rights reserved |
Our iOS apps feature original and exclusive contents created by the non-profit cultural and touristic fusions.ch website. |