Château de Chillon - Veytaux
La balade passe ici devant le Château de Chillon, le monument le plus visité de Suisse. Sa construction semble avoir commencé au Xe siècle, probablement sur les ruines de fortifications romaines. Agrandi au fil des siècles, il a servi de prison, inspirant Lord Byron en 1816 pour son célèbre poème «Le Prisonnier de Chillon».
Castle of Chillon - Veytaux
The promenade passes here in front of the Castle of Chillon, the most visited monument of Switzerland. Its construction seems to have begun in the 10th century, probably on the ruins of Roman fortifications. Expanded over the centuries, it served as a prison, inspiring Lord Byron in 1816 for his famous poem "The Prisoner of Chillon".
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