EvolèneA very typical village high in Val d'Hérens (Valais), the valley where cows are so aggressive that they fight each other... Every spring, such fights are publicly organized and the winner becomes the Queen of the Cows!
A very typical village high in Val d'Hérens (Valais), the valley where cows are so aggressive that they fight each other... Every spring, such fights are publicly organized and the winner becomes the Queen of the Cows!
We have shot two panoramic strolls in this area, one in this picturesque village and the other along "Route de Fonvillaz", a path leading to Les Haudères, further up in the valley.
CONTACT ADDRESS- Evolène Région Tourisme
Place Clos Lombard 6
CH-1983 Evolène
This guide features more places in the same region, check them out!
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